Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Retrospective ate Ricky

From My Old BlOG

dear karl: stories

I try to put my life into a narrative sometimes. Like the kind of stories you see in tv or movies. A story that has structure. But life isn't always like a narrative. I think maybe a lot of ppl struggle and get saf when they can't seem to make sense of their life and put it into like a story for someone to just follow and enjoy. Life for pessimists is often the case of being born living then dying. I guess we all know the begining and end but its the livong part that doesn't always follow that story. Maybe its just random and sporatic. Maybe we suiffer trying to make sense of it?

I don't think my life is some story I can just chronicle and tell ppl. Bc if I truy to do that it isn't really life its just a structure that I formulated so u can follow along.

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